Monday, August 23, 2010

TV Show Plot

This weekend I watched Dora the Explorer with my niece. Plot is the order of events and when they happened. The first thing that happened was that dora herd all the puppies trapped in their cages and had to go help. She had to go past the crocidile river and hop over the crocidiles. Then she had the go over the troll birdge by answering a riddle and solving a puzzle. Swiper tryed to steal boot's boot and dora had to tell him "swiper no swiping!" They had to match the shapes on the path to finish it to cross it. Finally she reached the puppies and released them from their cage.


  1. Rebekah!
    Type your work in Word so you can spell check. Remember to capitalize proper nouns.

  2. Aw Dora is so cute. Do you remember Billy. She was madly in love with Dora too.
