Thursday, February 24, 2011

"Ex-Basketball Player" Paragraph

Athletics are important to me because they help to keep me active, and they keep me out of the school drama. Althetics are a good motivation for students who don't usually keep their grades up. In order to play a sport you have to have a 2.0 or higher, so playing sports for many students is a good way to keep their grades up to a point where some students don't usually have. Sports help students to learn about teamwork and also about how to have good listening skills. By working together on a team it makes it easier for kids to work together, and by listening in to their coach they develop good listening skills. These are some of the reasons that athletics for students are important to me, I think that we should athletics in all schools and continue to have them all the time.


  1. Great examples and great job with your details. This is very well written.

  2. This is really good Becky. Keep up the great job.

  3. I agree with Chanda..Great job bestfriends:)
