Tuesday, May 3, 2011

President Obama’s Big Announcement

To learn about Osama Bin Laden's death I read the article http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/asiapcf/05/02/bin.laden.dead/index.html and I watched the news the night President Obama announced the news. First the government got information about where Osama's location, that they confirmed that, that was his real location. President Obama sent out a small group of seven U.S. troops the find and kill Osama Bin Laden. Osama was shot in the head and killed. His body is now in the hands of the U.S. They gave him a grave at sea so that his grave would not be a symbol for the Al Quida.
Now that Osama is dead I predict that there are going to be counter attacks from the Al Quida, because we killed their leader. I think that the Al Quida are furious about their leader being killed, and also that many people from the U.S. celebrated his death. There are going to be many retaliations from the Al Quida. I beleive that the goverment has to be extreamly careful with their actions now that they killed Osama. I hope that the future of our safty in the country is still at a good level, to where we can not worry about attacks from Al Quida.


  1. I honestly think that we are going to get killed by his people. I really don't want that to happen though, because i'm still trying to live. Good job on your post.

  2. This post made me feel like I was reading a news article. Great job Becky, you're so smart! Keep up the great work.
