Monday, April 4, 2011

Homonyms Poem

School is a crazy and sometimes fun place. It's a place where you wear what is right Its best thing do is to learn until you've won. You can write a poem, read a book, or solve a math problem. Wear the school colors like blue and silver. Learn what to buy at the store to calculate your money. When it's time to say bye to your school, it is a sad but fun time. Now it is time to celebrate and not worry about the weather. Or worry about whether or not you should wear your new shoes. Its your time to shine and you're the one who made it to the end. Do not worry about when your project is due. Now the only thing to worry about is if you sent in your payments, and the couple of cents you have in your pocket.


  1. Great job Becky, Just try to get it in on time.

  2. excellent post and that is really true.L:)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
