Tuesday, October 26, 2010

“’Typhoid Fever’– Present Tense Childhood Memory.”

Yesterday was my fourth birthday and I’m so much bigger then Nina (My sister) now. She can’t call me “little girl” anymore. She’s only eight, and four comes before eight, so I gotta be bigger then her. I’m at school and I told all my friends that I’m finally bigger then my sister and they all gave me happy looks and said “cool!” I can’t wait till I get to rub it in her dummy face!...(A little while later)…. Now I’m in my stupid room. My dumb sister told me I was wrong and then called me a stupid little girl again! When I told my foster mom she told me I was wrong too! I know I’m right though! If I call my mommy she will know! I know I’m right! I know it! She can’t yell at me cuz I know I’m right!


  1. I would probably of thought the same thing but I'm the oldest.

  2. Becky this is a cute and funny story.

  3. Great job! I like how you're so descriptive. Also, way beyond; awesome picture!

  4. Bestfriend this story had me laughing for a long time, it was awesome and hilarious. Great job, I like the picture!

  5. Good job Becky! I like this story and I like the picture. (:
