Monday, December 13, 2010

“Notes from a Bottle” SPA Flood Message in a Bottle – Organization Tool

Day 1
--Raining extremely hard.
--water seeping into house
--ruined furniture
--worried about house
--hopeful that the rain stops soon

Day 2
--students had to evacuate to cafe
--roads closed
--houses covered in water, objects floated to surface.
--scared that we will be stuck there for a while
--sad because our things are ruined.

Day 3
--had to move even higher up to the water towers
--sleeping in emergency tents
--missing kids
--worried for the missing kids
--scared that we might not be able to be saved

1 comment:

  1. This was not supposed to be posted on your blog. Please follow directions. (These were the directions: 3. Publish your outline or graphic organizer, but DO NOT publish it on your blog.)
